October 2022

Silent Voices d/Deaf BSL Feedback Event

Community events
Eccles Library, 28 Barton Lane, Eccles, M30 0TU
Wednesday 19th October, 2022 - 15:00

About this event

Are you a d/Deaf resident of Salford? Do you have feedback you want to pass on about health and care services in the city?

This event will provide the d/Deaf community and British Sign Language (BSL) users access to representatives from different health and care services, so that they can share their first hand experiences.

The event has been planned by d/Deaf champions from Healthwatch Salford's Silent Voices group. BSL interpreters will be present to facilitate conversations between members of the public and representatives from hospitals, GPs, dentists and social care services in Salford.

The event also serves as the official launch of Healthwatch Salford's BSL feedback mechanism, where d/Deaf members of the public can submit a video message giving their feedback on services. Healthwatch Salford will then forward this to the relevant service and provide a response if required.

A light buffet and refreshments will be available with d/Deaf residents of Salford invited to drop in at any time during the event.

Contact details

No booking required

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