COVID-19 How is it for you? Survey

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), there have been many changes to our lives. To help us understand the impact of this, we have launched an anonymous survey gathering information about your experiences.

We want you to tell us what is working well, as well as what could be improved.

The survey will run throughout the pandemic and we will be sharing the anonymised findings each month with Salford City Council, Salford Clinical Commissioning Group, and any other relevant providers of services.  The information will be used, alongside other feedback, to plan health and care services for our local population.  Reports will also be published each month and available from our website or you can request hard copies by contacting us by one of the ways below.

The survey is available to complete by clicking the link here:

 Complete Survey  

Or you can request a paper copy sent out in the post to you by contacting us below.

In addition to the survey, we welcome your more detailed stories of how the pandemic has affected your access to health and care services.  These stories can be about the services that have worked well and those that haven’t. 

To have a chat with us about this, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

   0300 355 0300