Putting a face to unmet need Project

Healthwatch Salford is undertaking a project focussing on the issue of unmet need in social care.
Man in a care home

The aim of this work is to put a face to unmet need so that people can hear the real stories behind the statistics. To do this, we want to collect a set of case studies that will show people who are overlooked or underserved by the current social care system, and the impact this has on their lives. The project is part of a national campaign, and we want to make sure that the voice of Salford is included.

For this part of this project, we would like to hear from anyone struggling to access Adult Social Care in Salford, to learn their experience and what they feel could be improved.

Are you interested in sharing your experience?

To get involved, please contact our Engagement Officer Ali Macleod:

 0330 355 0300
