Enter and view: Pemberton Fold Care Home

Healthwatch Salford carried out an Enter and View visit to Pemberton Fold, a residential care home with places for up to 60 residents.

Summary of report

The home was evaluated against eight quality indicators: strong, visible management; staff with the time and skills to do their jobs; good knowledge of each individual resident and how their needs may be changing; a varied programme of activities; quality, choice and flexibility around food and mealtimes; ensuring residents can regularly see health professionals such as GPs, dentists, opticians or chiropodists; accommodating residents’ personal, cultural and lifestyle needs; and being an open environment where feedback is actively sought and used.


Pemberton Fold appeared to be a clean and well-maintained care home which catered for people in a range of circumstances including providing end of life care. The varying care needs of residents was accommodated well in the most part. There was evidence of some stress on the part of staff due to staff shortages. Managers were working to make sure that staff were supported and enabled to provide the best care possible.
The environment provided was particularly well decorated and care had been taken through running ‘challenges’ to maintain the high standards of decor. The use of themes throughout and also words and pictures made the home feel accessible and welcoming.

The experienced deputy manager had taken care to ensure that residents' care needs were identified on entry to the home and for the most part those care needs seemed to be met adequately. One or two residents commented that staff are busy and stressed due to low numbers, and there was a similar view expressed by a staff member.


Based on these findings, Healthwatch Salford made five recommendations surrounding: staffing levels; staff training; adding a 'you said, we did' board to encourage feedback; adding a staff board with the names and photographs of staff to help residents identify who is who; and continuing to consult with residents and families on decisions being made in the home. The report includes a response from the service provider.


If you require the report in an alternative format please get in touch:


0330 355 0300

Enter and view: Pemberton Fold Care Home

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